If you are looking for LG Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File) for your LG K5 Black Titan X220DS, then you have landed at the right place.
We have shared the official LG K5 Black Titan X220DS Stock Firmware ROM on this page. The Stock ROM comes in a zip package that contains the Firmware File, Flash Tool, USB Driver, and a How-to Flash Manual.
LG K5 Black Titan X220DS Firmware (Flash File)
LG Stock ROM helps you upgrade or Downgrade the Operating System (OS) of your LG Device. It also allows you to fix any Software related issues, Bootloop issues, and IMEI-related issues.
File Name: LG_K5_Black_Titan_X220DS_MT6580_V10C_150616.zip
File Size: 775 MB
Flash Tool: SP Flash Tool for Windows | SP Flash Tool for Linux
How-to Flash (install): Follow Tutorial
How to flash or install the Stock ROM
- Download and extract the Stock ROM package on the computer using the WinRar or Winzip Tool.
- After extracting the package, you will get the USB Driver, Firmware (ROM), Flash Tool, and How-to Flash Manual.
- Install the provided USB Driver on the computer. If you have already installed the LG USB Driver on the computer, then SKIP this step.
- Open SP Flash Tool on the computer.
- Click on the Scatter Loading button and Locate the Scatter File from the Firmware folder.
- Power Off your Device and Connect it to the computer using the USB cable.
- Click on the Download button to begin the Flashing process.
- Once the Flashing process is completed, disconnect your device from the computer and restart it.
Readme Once:
[*] SP Flash Tool: If you are looking for the latest version of SP Flash Tool, then head over to the SP Flash Tool for Windows or SP Flash Tool for Linux page.
[*] USB Driver: If you are looking for the official LG USB Driver, then head over to the LG USB Driver page.
[*] Backup: If you are going to flash or install the above Firmware on your LG K5 Black Titan X220DS, then we recommend taking a backup of your data, as flashing or installing the Stock ROM (Firmware) will wipe the data from the device.
[*] Credits: The above firmware is officially released by LG Electronics and is in its original state. We have scanned the Stock ROM package with Norton AntiVirus Plus before sharing it online.